Understanding After-Acquired Cause

An important aspect of employment law in general, and with respect to employment litigation in particular, is the concept of “cause” for termination. When an employer terminates an employee for “cause” or “just cause” it, means that the employee has engaged in conduct that justifies immediate dismissal without notice … Continue reading

What to Do If Your Employer Offers You Your Old Position Back After Firing You?

The relationship between an employer and an employee is a unique one. On the one hand and on a contractual level, it is an agreement to perform tasks in exchange for pay. However, on the other hand and from a more practical viewpoint, the employment relationship and the workplace environment … Continue reading

Employee Entitlements for Terminated Federally Regulated Employees Change Starting in February 2024

As of February 1, 2024, federally regulated employees will benefit from new entitlements upon termination of their employment further to changes to the Canada Labour Code. These changes are important for employers and employees alike to be aware of.

These changes are part of a larger campaign to introduce Continue reading

Tax Implications in Employment Law Settlements

As with most areas of law, the vast majority of disputes between employers and employees are often resolved through negotiated settlements, whether via direct negotiations or mediation, without the need for a trial. Unlike settlements with respect to other areas of law, such as personal injury claims, or denied life Continue reading